Panama City, Panama ~ January 6, 2006
For Cieldequimper, who saw this photo on VP's A Bunch of Benches blog and wondered what was on the other side.The photo above only shows what's on the other side of the very pleasant walkway, but the tourists seem to be looking at something, or is it only the bright red flowers? I believe what's on the left of the photo is the parking lot of the National Institute of Culture. If you're really interested, you can go to these coordinates (8°57'1.66"N 79°31'53.89"W) on
Google Earth and see the photos others have taken, including the Institute, which has an unusual round construction on one side. You'll have to zoom down close to the center of the screen to see more than one or two photos. If you haven't played with Google Earth before, get ready for a fun and addicting ride :)